Friday, November 27, 2020

Week 8 - Production

 Yes it's production time.......

Please read the notice below about what will be happening on Production day!

Some students did not have their costumes at school today, these need to be at school on MONDAY. We also had a number that didn't have their clothes named and in a bag. Please support us  with this as we have over 200 students with clothes to bring.

WEEK 8 - 
Production Practices ALL Week! 
MONDAY - NC Kapahaka (morning only) 
THURSDAY - Production Preparation Day (see note above). Production 6pm at the Ohoka Sports and Events Centre. Tickets can be purchased for $10 at our school office.
FRIDAY - End of Year Service assembly 9:10am
FRIDAY - Subway Lunch 

WEEK 9 -  
MONDAY - 11am 2021 Transition to classes morning (Number 1) 
TUESDAY - 2021 Transition to classes (Number 2) 
FRIDAY - Final Prize Giving and Graduation (10am)  - FINAL day of school for 2020 - school finishes at 12:30pm. 

We haven't had many opportunities to swim with all our production practise, but please bring your togs each day as once production finishes there will be swimming each day.

Here are some pictures of us finishing off our pottery from last week (hopefully we haven't spoilt the surprise for you):

Ngā mihi nui Paula, Molly and Lynn :o)

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Last Week of the Year!!!!

  Thank you to everyone for coming to watch the production. The children loved having you there to support them.  What you need to know for ...