Friday, November 27, 2020

Week 8 - Production

 Yes it's production time.......

Please read the notice below about what will be happening on Production day!

Some students did not have their costumes at school today, these need to be at school on MONDAY. We also had a number that didn't have their clothes named and in a bag. Please support us  with this as we have over 200 students with clothes to bring.

WEEK 8 - 
Production Practices ALL Week! 
MONDAY - NC Kapahaka (morning only) 
THURSDAY - Production Preparation Day (see note above). Production 6pm at the Ohoka Sports and Events Centre. Tickets can be purchased for $10 at our school office.
FRIDAY - End of Year Service assembly 9:10am
FRIDAY - Subway Lunch 

WEEK 9 -  
MONDAY - 11am 2021 Transition to classes morning (Number 1) 
TUESDAY - 2021 Transition to classes (Number 2) 
FRIDAY - Final Prize Giving and Graduation (10am)  - FINAL day of school for 2020 - school finishes at 12:30pm. 

We haven't had many opportunities to swim with all our production practise, but please bring your togs each day as once production finishes there will be swimming each day.

Here are some pictures of us finishing off our pottery from last week (hopefully we haven't spoilt the surprise for you):

Ngā mihi nui Paula, Molly and Lynn :o)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Week 7

 Welcome to Week 7

Welcome to craziness! We're sure that everyone is beginning to feel those end of year pressures, but don't forget to take some time for yourself to be mindful. Talk to your child about what they do if they're feeling a bit tense or worried, and they maybe able to teach you!


For the rest of the term we are doing plays, this will help up with preparation for production.

Congratulations to the students who took part in our Agricultural Club Judging

We would also like to give a huge congratulations to Annabel Walton for coming 1st at the Christchurch Agricultural Show for her lamb and project.


Yesterday we were potters! We've made some pinch pots, mushrooms and Christmas decorations. 

Miss Molly our very own Potter.....

We have a lot of students bringing toys to school, especially lego. This is causing a few issues especially when we are already tired, so we ask that all toys are left at home. Thank you in advance for supporting us with this!

There is a lot happening over these last few weeks of term, so please put these dates below into your diary

What do you need to know:
  • Please remember your togs each day
  • A notice will come home soon about what your child will need for production. Please don't buy anything new for this, if you don't have something let us know first!
WEEK 7 - 
Production Practices ALL Week!  
WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - Ag Club Garden Judging 
FRIDAY - PTA Sausage Sizzle order on kindo

WEEK 8 - 
Production Practices ALL Week! 
MONDAY - NC Kapahaka (morning only) 
WEDNESDAY - Canterbury Athletics 
WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - Production Preparation Days (Ohoka School) - there will be more information to come out about this closer to the time.  Production will be at 6pm on Thrusday.

FRIDAY - Subway Lunch 

WEEK 9 -  
MONDAY - 11am 2021 Transition to classes morning (Number 1) 
TUESDAY - 2021 Transition to classes (Number 2) 
FRIDAY - Final Prize Giving and Graduation (10am)  - FINAL day of school for 2020 - school finishes at 12:30pm. 

Ngā mihi nui Paula, Molly and Lynn

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Week 6

 Welcome Week 6.... We are well into production mode!

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know that Miss G, Holly Greenslade, will be teaching in Tūhura next year with Paula. Holly has been in the team for the last few days and she has fitted in well. We look forward to having her here with us next year.

Production tickets go on sale from Monday. These are $10 and can be purchased from the office.
You will receive a notice about anything your child needs for production over the next week.

What is happening this week:
  • Molly is away on Monday
  • Garden Project due Wednesday
  • Lamb and Calf judging Wednesday
  • Pony Judging Thursday
  • Friday Assembly - Whakarewa are preforming
Please remember to bring your togs and sunhat to school each day.

Look out for end of year posts on seesaw.

Have a wonderful long weekend.

Ngā mihi nui Paula, Molly and Lynn

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Week 5

 Week 5 and November, where is this term going!

What's happening this week:
  • Wednesday: Yr 8's are sharing their leadership projects with the school. Please come along and check them out!
  • Thursday: Mufti day. Wear Red, White or Black
  • Friday: Public holiday. No school.
Things you need to know:
  • We've noticed a huge decline in rubbish floating around the school, thanks to our litter free lunch incentive. 
  • We've noticed a lot of tired children this week. Please ensure they are getting enough sleep. If they need half a day off school, we understand and encourage you to take it if you think your child isn't coping.
  • Our garden is starting to take off and before you know it, we'll be having our garden stall full of produce. Come on down and have a look
  • Our production practices are in full swing.

Have a lovely weekend,

Molly, Paula & Lynn

Last Week of the Year!!!!

  Thank you to everyone for coming to watch the production. The children loved having you there to support them.  What you need to know for ...