Welcome to Week 12 and last week of a long and interesting term.
Thank you to everyone that has joined us over this last week to celebrate your child's learning. For those of you booked in this week, we are looking forward to catching up with you.
What is happening this week:
- Learning conferences Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday school finishes at 12:30pm and the bus will leave at 12:35pm.
- Subway Wednesday, order through KINDO.
- Wednesday is also Hayley's last day at Clarkville. We will be having a bright hair day on Wednesday.
- Friday we are going to have a shared morning tea and movie, we have also said that the children can bring a soft toy on this day. Please bring something to share, but we would prefer this to be savoury not sweet.
- Friday is the last day of term.
Bird week 27- 5 July. Please click on the link to explore the NZ bird survey website. Some children did this last year and found it very interesting.
We have had a busy week working hard on our new CHILL programme. We have been really impressed at how are students are adapting and how deep they are taking their learning. We are really excited to she this develop and grow next term.
We have also been making a video and farewell present for Hayley. Hayley has been such a big part of our family in Tūhura over the last 8 years. She will be sadly missed.
Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Molly and Hayley
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