Thursday, August 27, 2020

Week 7

 This term is flying by. 

As we are staying in Alert Level 2 for awhile, please keep in touch via emails if you need to know anything or if you need our support. We are here for you all!

We've been busy this week learning about how we can preserve food to reduce waste. 

What's happening this coming week:

  • Pizza Friday
Please remember that the team space is not open until 8:30am. We often are in meeting and for health and safety reasons, we don't want students in the team space.

A friendly reminder that your child should be reading their book sent home from school. 

Have a nice weekend,

Molly, Paula & Lynn

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Week 6


Welcome to Week 6. Over half way through the term already! We've said goodbye to our UC students Brittany & Maddie. 

As you might know, our Inquiry focus this term is understanding perspectives. We will be taking this further by looking at different perspectives of waste. Watch this space!

Science- we've been learning to measure and gather data. Check out the pictures below of us measuring how big a splat, playdough can make if it is dropped from different heights.

What's on next week?

Wednesday- Cricket for Year 3's


• Assembly

• Sausage Sizzle

Newsletter is coming out today!

Ngā mihi nui Paula, Molly and Lynn

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Week 5


What a week! We are once again playing the waiting game and hope you are managing to find things within your day that make you smile. We understand that this is a stressful time for some people and we want you to know that we're thinking of you. Let's hope for the best outcome this afternoon. 

Please make sure you are signed up and using our School App, as all information about Alert  levels and how this affects us here at Clarkville will come via this portal. On the app make sure that you are signed up to received alerts from the general/important section of the app.

What's happening next week?
  • ICAS for the students that have signed up
  • Pizza fundraiser Friday
  • Disco 6pm Friday


We have been diving deeper into our Inquiry, by sharing our perspectives on different subjects and been open to changing our own perspective. 
Here are some photos of us sharing our ideas and listening with a partner.

Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Molly and Lynn

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Welcome to Week 4......Ski Week

Yes, it's ski week. 
Hope the weather plays fair and allows for a great day up at the snow.

What is happening this week:
  • Wednesday: Ski Day- 7:30am in MPF
  • Thursday: Fish n Chips, order through Kindo
  • Friday: Assembly 9:10am
  • Friday: Chocolate sales after school for Year 8 Camp, $2
  • Please remember that the the team space is not open for students until 8:30am each day
We have a lot of sickness in our team and the school at the moment. Please keep your child home is they are unwell and just remind them about how to wash their hands correctly. We have done this at school, but it would be great if you could reinforce this at home.

Our students have been working on their Mihi this week. These will be displayed in the team space, but ask your child if they can say their Mihi to you.

Please follow this link to Ski information here is a  link.

Have a great weekend,
Paula, Molly and Lynn

Last Week of the Year!!!!

  Thank you to everyone for coming to watch the production. The children loved having you there to support them.  What you need to know for ...