This term is flying by.
- Pizza Friday
This term is flying by.
Welcome to Week 6. Over half way through the term already! We've said goodbye to our UC students Brittany & Maddie.
As you might know, our Inquiry focus this term is understanding perspectives. We will be taking this further by looking at different perspectives of waste. Watch this space!
Science- we've been learning to measure and gather data. Check out the pictures below of us measuring how big a splat, playdough can make if it is dropped from different heights.
What's on next week?
Wednesday- Cricket for Year 3's
• Assembly
• Sausage Sizzle
Newsletter is coming out today!
Ngā mihi nui Paula, Molly and Lynn
Thank you to everyone for coming to watch the production. The children loved having you there to support them. What you need to know for ...