Thursday, May 28, 2020

Week 8

Kia ora whānau,

Where have these two weeks gone? We hope you're enjoying getting back to somewhat normal. 
We've had a great week of learning and the children are already showing an increase with their independence. 

Abstract art

What you need to know:
Change of clothes- it's getting to be that time of year again where the field is wet. If your child wants to play on the field, they need to bring a full change of clothes.

Please read through this weeks newsletter for any information regarding device purchases, as we are increasing our usage during our core learning time. 

Assembly next Friday- as gatherings have increased in numbers, we invite you to attend in person at 9:10am. 

Have a great weekend,

Molly, Paula and Hayley

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Week 7

Wow, what a great first week we have had together. 

Everyone was happy and ready to get back into school life. 

We have loved hearing about all the fun family times that when on in your bubbles.

Over this last week we spent a lot of time talking about how our students found learning at home. It was really exciting to hear how many of the students really understand how they learn, and when they learn best. We have taken on board this feedback from our students and we are planning to implement some of these suggestions. There are some very common themes coming out!

We have had a lot more students bring devices to school this week. This has been great as we are going to continue to have supportive material on our website each week to reflect the learning we are doing in the classroom. These devices are kept in the classroom and can only be used when directed by the teachers. If your child has a device that they are able to bring to school this would help their learning going forward. If you are looking to purchase one, please get in touch for some advice around what works best in our school environment. The most expensive device is not always the best!

Please remember:
  • Students need all their own stationery, including colouring pencils
  • ALL clothing needs to be named
  • Drink bottle each day
If you have any newspaper at home, please can we have some!

At assembly today we gave out our school values tops. I just want to assure you all that these have been washed and individually bagged before being handed out. 

Here are some photos from our learning this week:

It has been amazing to be all back together again!

Ngā mihi nui
Paula, Molly and Hayley

Thursday, May 14, 2020


We are so excited to have you all back this week. We are ready to see all your smiling faces and reconnect.

So what do you need to know:

  • Every child will need to bring a drink bottle each day as the drinking fountains will not be accessible.
  • Please make sure you talk with your child about hand washing and they are aware of how to do this probably.
  • Please make sure you child has all the stationary they need for learning, like whiteboard makers, pencils, felts, colouring pencils as we will not be allowing students to use our school supplies.
  • No sunhats this term.
  • Please make sure all your items of clothing are named clearly.
Pick up and drop off:
We are sure that you have read the all the detailed information that Juliana has sent out about the procedures for coming back to school in Alert Level 2. Children are expected to be dropped off and picked up at the gate each day. We know that this will be hard for some students and parents as some of you maybe a bit nervous about coming back. If needed you can come down to the team, but you will need to sign in at the office and if there are a lot of you at once this may take awhile.
At the end of the day we will walk your child down to the gate and have them waiting for you. We will send them out to you when you arrive, but you must come across, for safety reasons, so your child does not cross the road with out you.

If your child has a device we ask that they bring it to school for formal learning each day. 

Ngā mihi nui Paula, Molly and Hayley

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week 5

Welcome to week 5. Hopefully we will be back at school together next week!

Week 5 Home Learning:
  • This weeks learning is updated on the website.
  • Writing this week is around creating your own SuperHero.
  • For Maths we are still focusing on revisions of basic facts and number knowledge.
  • Hayley and her son Aston have a challenge for you on the sharing page.
  • We have no new CHILL challenge as only a few students did the scratch challenge from last week, so this is still there to be done.
  • Zoom story time is still happening everyday at 11am. This has been an awesome time for students to connect and have time to chat with their friends, and for us as teachers, it helps us to all stay connected.
  • Keep reading the school doc notices that Juliana is sending out as these will give you all the updated information on what is happening around the school going to Alert Level 2.

Keep connecting with each other and we hope to see you all soon!
Ngā mihi nuiPaula, Molly and Hayley

Last Week of the Year!!!!

  Thank you to everyone for coming to watch the production. The children loved having you there to support them.  What you need to know for ...